While this program is supported in part by a grant from the Stow Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, the bulk of the funding is coming from your neighbors and fellow Stow caregivers. 

To sponsor a child, please send $25 via venmo to @jkspat or via PayPal; this includes a snack bag, art materials and caregiving.  If you would like to write a check, please email stowtownmeeting@gmail.com for details. 

We thank you for your support.

How will we make this happen:

We have secured a safe space at the location of the Town Meeting for young children (aged 4-11) to allow their caregivers the time to focus on the Annual Meeting.

While caregivers are voting, we can provide their children a space to be kids, relax, and learn about engaging in effective citizenship.

Adults and high school students will provide activities during Town Meeting. If you or your high schooler are interested in helping, please fill out our form! If you are able to support us via an online donation, thank you!